We focus on business, environment, and community sustainability
We focus on business, environment, and community sustainability
In support of the government's program on environmental protection, cooperative development, enhancing farmers income, and ensuring steady supply of raw materials, Pakerin has established a nursery and research project for tropical wood in Mojokerto, East Java.
Nature Conservation
Pakerin has a strong commitment to conservation and preservation of environment. Recycling is central to the Company's manufacturing process, with more than 80% of the Company's raw materials being waste products. Approximately 65% comes from waste paper and 15 -20% represents semi-chemical pulp and scrap wood purchased from local farmers and suppliers. Pakerin does not use rain forest timber.
Creating Employment Opportunities
The use of waste paper on such a large scale has created many jobs in the paper collection and contributed significantly to cleaning the urban environment. The scrap wood component for pulp-making comes from fast-growing tropical trees, predominately the Sengon tree (paraserianthes falcataria), grown by local farmers on waste ground and road-sides. Pakerin distributes the seeds of Sengon tree to the local farmers at no cost, provides technical assistance and trainings for planting, and buys back the wood for pulping approximately five years later.
In addition, Pakerin has employed more than 2000 workers in its factory in Mojokerto for both staff and non-staff positions.
Industrial Waste Management
One of the largest components of the Company's manufacturing complex is the waste water treatment plant which is supported by extensive technical and engineering services. The plant combines waste water treatment and recycling in one operation. It is consistently being upgraded to maximize efficiency and provide quality water. After the final treatment to stringent government requirements, water is piped into the public irrigation system, as requested by local farmers, enabling them to double or triple the crops production.
Sludge from the water treatment process is recycled as fuel to generate energy in the production process.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) – Chain Of Custody (COC) Policy
Hereby the signing, PT. Pabrik Kertas Indonesia explicitly states that it has read and understood the “Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC” as published under www.fsc.org. This policy stipulates FSC’s position with regards to unacceptable activities by organizations and individuals which already are or would like to be associated with FSC as well as the mechanism for disassociation.
In light of the above, the Organization explicitly agrees currently and, in the future, as long as the relationship with FSC exists, not to be directly or indirectly involved in the following unacceptable activities:
a. Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products
b. Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations
c. Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations
d. Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use
e. Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations
f. Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions, as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 1998.